Sunday, September 20, 2009


As of now, I will be focusing (area highlighted above) on the relationship that the library and its surrounding buildings with the transportation routes surrounding.

My first exploration will involve attempting to make an acoustical map of the sound impact in the area. The intention of these explorations is to gain a greater understanding on the transitional areas that happen between Mexico City and the UNAM campus itself (with particular focus on the library obviously). Below is the current stage in development. The library, placed as the focus of the image (offcenter right, where the map dips) will be completely white boxes -symbolic of a place of silence. The highways and parking structures will be toned boxes that spike on the map to emphasize the noise impact.

My second approach, below, was based on a simplied linear "sectional" sound study. Much more simplified than the original version but still not happy with the results as of yet. Back to the drawing board...

1 comment:

  1. the sound maps are always very difficult... i found these ( interesting. perhaps they can help. notice their downright simplicity and simultaneous complexity.
