Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How do you fold this thing?

Ever been on a trip and unfold the map from the car glove compartment, follow the streets with the tip of your finger in the passenger seat while the lost driver accepts directions in an angry manner? If yes, then think about how fun it was to try and put that map back in the glove box, no? Folding it this way and that along the pre-defined creases of the page that NEVER....EVER seems to be put away the way it came out of the package. Frustrated....why?

If you've never been in this predicament before than you either don't travel, are really good with directions anywhere (uh huh...), or have the lifesaving GPS system. But if you have, frustration need not be an issue. Rather than thinking about the map as an ignorant piece of paper that just wants you to get angry in the confines of your small sedan - think about it as an adventure in itself.

This is the basis for my book concept. If your map was to always fold correctly, then you were most likely never utilizing it for more adventurous trips, but most likely the same trip each time. But, if the map doesn't fold the "right" way then unfolding it for the next trip reveals aspects of the topography that may have gone unnoticed. The book I am working on combines this idea with a book of traveler's tales (rain of frogs, bigfoot, etc). As you unfold the map you are presented with tales from various portions of the map in series of unfolding panels. These panels will, most likely, never be arranged the same way by a reader - thereby giving each reader a new experience when they pull the book off the shelf.

1 comment:

  1. here are a few links to some cool maps and old prints:
    piranesi - http://www.picure.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp:8080/e_piranesi.html
    ancient rome - http://formaurbis.stanford.edu/
    fantastic maps - http://www.fantasticmaps.com/
    subway maps (some real, some not) - http://rooksmoor.blogspot.com/2008/08/atlas-of-imaginary-places-11-tube-maps.html
    and, "you are here" (use the "look inside feature"): http://www.amazon.com/You-Are-Here-Geographies-Imagination/dp/1568984308
