Monday, November 9, 2009

Dibujos Sin Papel -- Final

Final Tectonic Drawing
Final Stereotomic Drawing

Dibujos sin Papel was an investigation into our projects dealing with different attitudes towards representational strategies. It involved thinking about a drawing, in this case a section, within "the parameters of two-dimensionality but, in this case, as three dimensional objects; in other words, as drawings without paper." The explorations seen above were the final resolutions of these drawings without paper. They dealt with the spherical volumes that occupy the core of my library proposal surrounded by the very regular stacks of the library that house the books. These "drawings" only allow the viewer to see the section from a "head-on" approach, any alteration to the sides, top, or bottom results in a drawing that no longer has significance to the project. Below are two other explorations into the stereotomic material.

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